Sunday, April 29, 2012

Meat dream meaning , interpretation

 - packed-deception
- weighing-favorable movements
- buy- prosperity
- the deer that eat-victory
- man- eating-earned wealth inland side
- turkey-emotional infidelity in relationships
- the man bleeding - happiness
- chicken-lose a good opportunity
- pork-good news
- roasted, high damage
- the spit-healing
- the slaughter-sin
- cooking-wealth,
- ice-deception;
-eating-disagreements with anyone
- black-beating, separation from husband or wife
- frying-enthusiasm
- fresh, well-being

Coffee dream meaning , interpretation

good financial position, happiness and harmony the beloved,
- bitter, tired,
- drinking, joy, good life
- you're drinking a bitter-cheerful and friendly
 - you're drinking sweet by nature collaborative and compassionate,
- beans, worry
- cup-friendly discussion
- with fire-growth giving the money
 - tasting, are irrepressible
- coffee ice friends have influence
- ground - fight

Gift dream interpretation , meaning

- Pack one - keep your feelings to someone until you're sure it's mutual
 - ball - are loving and faithful partner.

Riding dream meaning , interpretation

good sign if you dream of riding, animal bad sign when you get out of it;

To fall dream meaning , interpretation

if you dream that one looks deep abyss and then falls into it, it means that you go through some unpleasant events, even dangerous, and your assets will be in danger;

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Lips in dream , meaning

safety, frankly - cracked-health at risk - on-greedily licking you, deceived you

-bloody - you get rid of sickness or distress;
- pale-anger
- hairy-uncertain future;
- red-good news, kisses, compliments,

Belly in dream , meaning

To dream that you have stomach pain, you will enjoy health. If something falls on your belly, it means that you undergo a humiliating experience. To dream that you will have a short swollen belly disease.

Grandfather, grandmother in a dream

Grandfather, grandmother in a dream means a lot of joy and happyness.

Owl in dream , meaning

To dream of an owl means that you will be unhappy because of quarrels with relatives. To dream that scared an owl and fly away it means that you have better conditions of life.

Joy in dream , meaning

strife, trouble, quarrel with someone

 - on other face- safety

- on your face, someone will betray.

Friday, April 13, 2012

Bouquet in dream , meaning

full satisfaction of desires, - the flower-news lying, cheating, travel imminent - flower love red-recall - the hand-joy, contentment fleeting - get one-one is in love with you - fresh, positive message; - past-trouble - you're given flowers, fading fear you - pot-marriage.

Kitchen, chef in dream , meaning

To dream that you are in a clean kitchen, you get nice people in your house. If you dream kitchen is a mess, is that you contact a sudden illness.

Bakery in dream , meaning , dictionary

To dream anything about bread and cake bakers or bakery shelves is a sign of birth of a child to a young couple.

Toad in dream , meaning

To dream that you hear, eat or see frogs is a sign that you have a peaceful and fulfilled life, both in terms of socially and in terms of personal business.

Baptism in dream , meaning

desire fulfilled, happy omen, you will have many children - a bell-business money, - a child-happiness, joy, - a long boat-travelers unexpected - attending-emergence of new love, new and happy life.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Pregnant in dream , meaning

That means that you will achieve a wish.

Candy in dream , meaning

If a man dreams of eating candy is that it will have to solve certain problems. If a girl dreams of preparing or eating candy is a sign that will spend pleasant moments with the opposite sex.

Disease in dream , meaning

To dream of something about a disease means that you go through unfortunate circumstances, which you can get through it if you try enough.

Boa snake in dream , meaning

Boa snake in dream , meaning - anger

Blonde woman in dream , meaning

If a man dreams that he has a blonde, is likely to experience disappointment in his enterprises. If a girl is blonde and dreams he is admired by a man means you have a short ailment.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Ticket in dream , meaning

courage in overcoming the bad state

- missed buying-shares

- lottery-success, winning the card game

Jewelry in dream , meaning

temptation, anger, punishment,
- hide-heavy words - spindle-task
- getting-business money
 - earrings, new friends
- earring broke away friend
- buying-waste of money, hard lines
 - found in a cave
-intelligence must be cultivated
- two rings on one finger or two marriages
- the gold-luck, marriage, future benefits
- silver-falsehood
- of other metal-case modest
- destroyed, frustration - false palaver the fight against anyone
- find-dangerous temptation
- many for-profit business, good harvests
- dirty-business problems
- give us useful to business
- getting a gift-you are surrounded by sycophantic
- wearing-you get a beautiful situation,
- broken - missing,
- seeing you get gifts.

Bike in dream , meaning

A climb up a hill with the bike is a sign to care for your reputation and you have to avoid accidents. A bicycle down a hill predict good results for your plans.

Bible in dream , meaning

- with-wisdom
- open-good news
- the swearing in court-happy future

Beer in dream , meaning

disease, high anger

- bitter-gain uncertainty
 - drinking-profit effort to help
- blonde, get a letter
- mug
- party with friends
- black, high income

Friday, April 6, 2012

White color meaning

Transmitted white purity, cleanliness, and neutrality. Doctors wearing white coats, traditional bridal dress is white and a fence surrounding the white is a symbol of a safe and happy home.

 White color meanings are: light, purity, respect, innocence, cleanliness, simplicity, snow, winter, cold (affective), truth, peace, humility, sterility, criticism, cowardice, teaching, heroic, unimaginative, air, death (in Eastern cultures), hope, life, marriage (Western culture), Aries, Pisces, spiritual emptiness, unfriendly, indifferent, celebration, January.

 Of physiologically and psychologically, white has the following effects:

 -Compete by clarity of thought.
 -Encourage overcome setbacks and obstacles.
 -Purification of thoughts or deeds inspire.
 -Suggest refresh actions or goals.

Chestnut, brown color meaning

Chestnut express stability, trust and closeness. The color of earth and is associated with anything natural or organic. Brown color meanings are: land, natural body, nature, rusticity, stability, tradition, anachronism, fascism, poverty, obtuseness, poverty, rudeness, Capricorn, Scorpio (reddish brown), October.

 Of physiologically and psychologically, chestnut has the following effects:

 -The feeling of completeness.
 -Connection with the earth.
 -Gives a sense of order.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Purple color meaning

Purple embodies the balance between stimulation of red and blue serenity. The mixture of the two basic colors can cause disorder or strain, if red is predominant. Combination of a mystical message with one of royalty, purple is the color of choice for creative or eccentric people, being also a color loved by teenagers.

 Violet color meanings are: ceremony, mystery, wisdom, enlightenment (spiritual), nobility, royalty, spirituality, creativity, wealth, pride, delicacy (light purple), envy, lust, romance (violet), bisexuality, arrogant, profane, mourning, penance, confusion, exaggeration, Scorpio, May and November.

 Of physiologically and psychologically, violet has the following effects:

 -Ascension or spiritual stimulation.
 -Calming mental and nervous.
 -Encourages creativity.

Red color meaning

Red lead to associations with the personal appearance of all colors. Known to have a stimulating action, exciting, red transmit energy quantity or magnitude proportional to the perception of this culori. Red has quality to attract attention, and proper use of this color can bring out the gift a particular item.

 Red color meanings are: love, sex, excitement, passion, fire, heat, energy, power, speed, blood, war, anger, aggression, leadership, ambition, arrogance, respect, revolution, socialism, radicalism, communism, masculinity, danger , stop, summer, Mars, Taurus, in December, Roman Catholics, martyrdom, the Holy Spirit, conservatism (U.S.), wealth (China), marriage (India).

 Of physiologically and psychologically, red has the following effects:
 -Increase enthusiasm.
 -Stimulates energy.
 -Encourages action and confidence.
 -Provides a sense of protection from fears or concerns.

 In chromotherapy, red is believed to stimulate body and mind, and increase circulation.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Orange color meaning

Orange, a close relative of red, is the most controversial of colors. This color evokes strong negative and positive associations, being appreciated is that adorable or that horrible.

Blaze orange radiates warmth and liveliness and energy. Some shades of orange such as terracotta, peach or rust meet a wider appreciation.

 Orange color meanings are: enthusiasm, alertness, Playfulness, fire, heat, energy, happiness, energy, desire, balance, aggression, arrogance, warning, danger, fall, sign Sagittarius, September, Hinduism, Buddhism.

 Of physiologically and psychologically, orange has the following effects:

 -Stimulates the activity or action.

 -Stimulates appetite.

 -Encourage socialization.

 In chromotherapy, orange is believed to heal the lungs and increases the body's energy level.

Yellow color meaning

Yellow shines with optimism, happiness and gives a light golden yellow interioara.Nuantele send the promise of a future full of impliniri.

Yellow stands out among the other colors and inspire positive thinking and creative.

 Yellow color meanings: sun, sun, summer, air, earth, joy, happiness, optimism, idealism, intelligence, hope, liberalism, friendship, gratitude, hope, sociability, illness (quarantine), danger, cowardice, dishonesty, greed, weakness, greed, deceit, femininity, Gemini, Taurus, Leo (golden yellow), April, September, death (Middle Ages), mourning (Egypt), courage (Japan).

 Of physiologically and psychologically, yellow has the following effects:

 -Stimulates the nervous system.

 -Stimulates the mind.

 -Help power of memory.

 -Encourage communication.

 In chromotherapy, color yellow was thought to purify the body.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Meaning of green color

Green occupies more space in the visible range of the human eye, and ranks second after the blue, people's preferences.

Green is a color widely in the natural world and can be a good choice for inside a house because we are accustomed to see pretutindeni.Natural greenshade of the forest to the lemon tree, is considered to be reassuring and refresh, with a balance natural shade between the cold and warm (blue and yellow).

 Green color meanings are: life force, nature, spring, fertility, grass, vigor, youth, life, rebirth, peace, ecology, abundance, growth, health, environment, earth, air, eternal life, balance, harmony, stability , calm, intelligence, creativity, wealth, money (USA), gaming (United Kingdom, Ireland, USA), generosity, marijuana and drug culture, aggression, envy, neexperimentare, misfortune, coldness, jealousy, jealousy, disgrace (China) disease, greed, corruption (North Africa), the sign of Cancer (bright green), August, Islam.

 Of physiologically and psychologically, green has the following effects:

 -Relax both mentally and physically.

 -Helps to overcome depression, nervousness and anxiety.

 -Provides a sense of renewal, self and harmony.

Meaning of blue color

Favorite color of most people, blue is considered to inspire trust, loyalty and responsabiliatea. Blue color is the sky and sea, and the spirit, he suggests rest and can cause the body to produce chemicals that have a calming effect. Not all shades of blue evoke serenity and peace, electric blue or bright inspiring drama and dynamism, is an engaging color that expresses enthusiasm.  Ecessive use of this color causes the sensation of cold or lack of affection . Blue is a color "sex", being appreciated almost equally of men and women.

 Blue color meanings are: heaven, large, ocean, water, air, ice, winter, calm, peace, harmony, peace, unity, trust, confidence, cold blood, loyalty, faith, reliance, cleaning, depression, cold (mind), idealism, technology, obscenity, wisdom, royalty, nobility, Earth, Virgo (light blue), the sign of Aquarius (dark blue), power, light, strength, friendship, July (sky blue), February (deep blue), peace, mourning (Iran), truthfulness, love, sadness, liberal policy (U.S.) .

 Of physiologically and psychologically, blue has the following effects:
 -Soothes and relaxes.
 Flu-Inhale (affective).
 -Is an incentive of intuition.

 In chromotherapy, blue is thought to help cure disease and eliminate pain.

Nails in dreams , superstitions and beliefs

Nails, claws these remnants of reptiles, creatures, they say, were a stage of evolution to human beings, are a mystery wrapped in distinctive, that there was no way not to mirror in superstion, beliefs and magic ...

 If you cut your nails on Sunday, gossip and rumors rautaciose will accompany all week. Bad luck follows you if you cut your nails in the moonlight. On the other hand, if your nails harden over time, you should you cut them when the moon is down.

 An Anglo-Saxon superstition predicts that if you fall down let your nails that you cut them, you will be forced to collect them after death. If you leave your fingernails on the floor and then covered with a carpet, you graze trouble. The Turks, not good to throw nails on the ground or step over them. They also believe that you have some bad luck when you look at the nails of a dead man, while it went to the cemetery. A white spot (a noita) on a nail is a gift. You will receive that gift when noita reach edge of the nail and cut it with scissors. To not reach the hands of a witch or someone who wants to harm you, or to take over your soul, raise your fingernails, and place them in a safe place.

 It seems that Picasso believed totally believed in this superstition or magic ... In medieval superstition is considered unlucky to cut the nails of a child under one year, as he will become a thief or a robber. To ensure that their treasure would become a dishonest man, they cut nails mothers of children only after they reach a year, making sure they still fall on a Bible. Scotland was more than anyone else in indecency without a mother or a close relative of a child to cut nails.

Mexicans were convinced that cutting the nails of a child up a year will cause problems with vision. In some parts of Romania, the nails were cutting child at baptism (sometimes by NASA), is then stored in a handkerchief, in other areas, it said that it is better to cut nails young children so that they are can occur by the devil. Count your white spots on nails before December 25, and you will find many gifts you get for Christmas.

 The old ways of magic or witch doctor to cure a patient and then cut off the nails and gave them fire. In our area, folk healers chase away disease sufferers putting nails in a burrow. If you want to have good luck, throw on the fire cut nails of the feet. If, after you give your nails with nail polish, too often look to them, means that someone barfeste. Keep your nails clean and you always enjoy wealth. Cut your nails: Monday for news, Tuesday for shoes, Wednesday for the property, Health Thursday, Friday love, Saturday for a trip, And Sunday for the devil. Another superstition contradict the above: those who cut their nails away their chance Friday. Traditionally Romanesque, nails should not be cut than Thursday or Saturday, otherwise panda can be headaches and forgetfulness.

Also, it was not advisable to cut your nails at night (in some versions, at night) to avoid your sheep die or not to shorten your life thread. The number of white spots on nails reveal how many lies you told before. If you lucky, your nails pileste a Monday. Include white spots on fingers, calling, in turn, for each noita, one of the words: friends, enemies, money, love.

Start with the first spot on the nail and last spot corresponding word you predict what you expect in the future. In another variant, noitele mean something depending on your finger you are: thumb - a friend, index finger - an enemy, a gift middle finger, fourth finger (ring finger) - a boyfriend / girlfriend, little finger - a journey. One Japanese superstition, they say that if you cut your nails at night, you will not be there for your parents when they die.

 In Korea, they say that if you cut your nails at night and let them down, they will be eaten by mice. In this way they will make in your own person or stealing your soul. In Hindu belief, cutting nails at night foretells that you will hurt you soon.

 The superstition of Afaganistan: - Hunger and poverty go into the house to cut their nails at night. - You watched the bad luck if you cut the nails of hands and feet the same day (a belief shared in Turkey).

 Dreams about nails

- Symbols and meaning

 - If you see a nail file in your dream means that you have to "rounded" thorny issues of personality and improve your relationships with others.

 - When you dream pilesti your nails, you may want to focus more on what you want to do or to go to the end.

 - The dream that you change your nail color to signify creativity and emotions ta. glimpsed more, account for nail color seen in a dream. Blue, dark green, purple and other colors are nontraditional in your spirit free manicure. In this case, send your subconscious desire to express yourself more freely. If you sees in a dream with transparent nail polish data, you are representing your objectivity in such a situation.

 - To dream of nails, you are ready to defend. If you dream nails are long, as you outlined in this laziness, negligence or need to act. If you wear fake nails, this dream suggests that you try to reach people around, but there is always the best intentions towards them. You may be disingenuous or play theater.

 - The dream that you break a nail suggests that trying to avoid an embarrassing situation or you try to get rid of some responsibility. In another interpretation, this dream may be a reflection of your image about yourself. You may be concerned about the way you see or appreciate those around you.

 - When you dream that you bite your nails, you indicate that you are faced with a problem that it's hard to solve.

 - A dream in which your nails grow very quickly means your great desire to reach one or someone close to you.