Red lead to associations with the personal appearance of all colors. Known to have a stimulating action, exciting, red transmit energy quantity or magnitude proportional to the perception of this culori. Red has quality to attract attention, and proper use of this color can bring out the gift a particular item.
Red color meanings are: love, sex, excitement, passion, fire, heat, energy, power, speed, blood, war, anger, aggression, leadership, ambition, arrogance, respect, revolution, socialism, radicalism, communism, masculinity, danger , stop, summer, Mars, Taurus, in December, Roman Catholics, martyrdom, the Holy Spirit, conservatism (U.S.), wealth (China), marriage (India).
Of physiologically and psychologically, red has the following effects:
-Increase enthusiasm.
-Stimulates energy.
-Encourages action and confidence.
-Provides a sense of protection from fears or concerns.
In chromotherapy, red is believed to stimulate body and mind, and increase circulation.