Yellow shines with optimism, happiness and gives a light golden yellow interioara.Nuantele send the promise of a future full of impliniri.
Yellow stands out among the other colors and inspire positive thinking and creative.
Yellow color meanings: sun, sun, summer, air, earth, joy, happiness, optimism, idealism, intelligence, hope, liberalism, friendship, gratitude, hope, sociability, illness (quarantine), danger, cowardice, dishonesty, greed, weakness, greed, deceit, femininity, Gemini, Taurus, Leo (golden yellow), April, September, death (Middle Ages), mourning (Egypt), courage (Japan).
Of physiologically and psychologically, yellow has the following effects:
-Stimulates the nervous system.
-Stimulates the mind.
-Help power of memory.
-Encourage communication.
In chromotherapy, color yellow was thought to purify the body.